where are the designers in Atlanta? We are looking for you!!
Are you a clothing designer, T-shirt designer or a shoe designer and would like to have your clothing displayed and marketed in the hottest showroom in Atlanta, well look no further, the place to showcase your fashions amongst other hot independent designers is the controversy showroom.
Controversy showroom has open its doors to all those who know there is money in fashion! Controversy Showroom will display, sell and market your fashions on radio, print and Television. Make money from your designs while you sleep.
so you know Dawn?
because I know Dawn and thats not what I heard. I spoke with her personally because truth be told i loved controversy and I was really upset when it closed. I always found something unique there plus i beleive she just did a remodel and the store was faboulous(at least the last time I stopped to shop with her) But after I finally caught up with her, I asked her about the 9 year "Shack" you speak of and she was very open and honest about her challenges, she said she was in a legal battle with her landlord that stemmed from a flood/damages and the situation became very ugly so she made an executive decision to break her lease and keep it moving. I beleive you she moved the boutique online ...so still doing very well from what I see.
And that statement you made was kind of bitter to call that lady broke because to run any business for "9 YEARS" im sure was not cheap plus she had staff and allowed people to work and gain experience along the way... I know there has never been another boutique like controversy in atlanta since!! I always saw new employees and people all in her face, actually copying her style ...maybe you should give it a try since you seem to like knocking young entreprenuers doing outstanding things in the community. I personally think we need more leaders like Dawn in the community instead of haters like you.. Maybe You should try doing something more positive with your time instead of being worried about a "9 year old business owner and her finances or education and personal business.I dont think she is worried about you...that's for sure!! but im not sure you really really know her but I remember one time we had an intimate discussion while I was shopping for a new years party and she said "you havent really made it until they publically hate you for no reason and make up lies" ... guess she was Right!!! (smh)
People can be so damn ignorant!!!
Keep doing your thang girl!!! Let the haters be your motivators...
Love you Dawn and I miss Controversy, I cant wait to hear about your new projects... Wishing you the best in everything you do!
Shane M.
As a friend of Dawn Harrell and boutique owner of Shiami Doors Boutique, I admire Dawn Harrell and what Controversy stood for. We studied together at AIU and from my understanding she did graduate. But quiet honestly who cares! She built an empire and brought something to Atlanta that will forever be missed. After running my boutique for 2 years and understand all the ends and outs, ups and downs, challenges and celebrations, Ms. Dawn Harrell is a champion to have stayed in the game and mastered boutique ownership for 9 years.
And for the record, filing bankrupt is a blessing for most business owners. So every seven years you can rebuild your personal credit and live through your business credit in the meantime? To me that is genious! I personally have filed bankrupt myself and plan to do it again if need be. But obviously I am speaking to someone that is not on the same page as myself so the truth Im speaking right now sounds like a foreign language to you due to your lack of intelligence and business intellect.
At the end of the day here is the summary of Dawn Harrell. She is an amazingly talented woman that is creative and has a strong sense of business. She has a proven track record of impecable execution of anything she touches and makes all of her dreams a reality. I have known her for 13 years and her character has never changed. She is loyal, fair, loving, kind, a true friend and unlike you she a spirit within her of light. Why you posted such a mean spirited comment on a post focused to uplift and motivate others in itself shows what you are made of and I am sure it has done nothing to stop the continued success of Dawn Harrell and the Controversy empire.
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